Friday, August 17, 2012

And -- Right On Cue! -- Yet Another "Shiny Object" PR Piece/Vaporware Announcement, After The Q2 2012 Results Call. . .

And what is the new bauble? It is that Mr. Conway will tell you what your customers think of your performance, based on his metrics -- without you ever having to ask them. [It is actually almost a week old now; but I was at sea when he dropped the original, and then corrected it -- a day later.]

But, of course! He measures the interaction, decides whether it was good or bad -- and tells you how your customer would score your performance. A perfect echo chamber -- without any external form of verification.

So -- in a sense -- Mr. Conway is simply reselling you the analytic he just sold you -- and using it as a feedback loop, to confirm the correctness of his assessment. See this presser bit:
. . .Mattersight Corporation today announced the expansion of its Behavioral Analytics service with Predictive Net Promoter Score® Analytics. Predictive NPS Analytics automatically predicts the NPS score a customer will give following an interaction. Using Mattersight's Predictive NPS Analytics, every captured customer interaction is given a NPS score, without needing the customer to complete a survey. . . .

Who actually falls for this nonsense?

Seriously -- who does? I hope that it is not the large, sophisticated Mattersight client engagements -- for the sake of those companies' shareholders. Sheesh.

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