Tuesday, September 18, 2012

CEO Conway Just Sold $120,000 Of His Stock On The NASDAQ, At $6/Share

And -- to be clear -- there are only nine trading days left in the quarter (at the point he is disclosing this open market sale, to the world). He lists the sale date as September 13, 2012, though. That is extremely close to the time when he might know how the quarter is turning out. Some 75 days -- of 90 -- are already in the books. He must know of every new contract signing. The proof (as with the General Counsel's NASDAQ sales, last week) will turn on whether the stock is higher than $6, or $6.15, when Q3 2012 results (GAAP losses per share, actually) are announced -- or lower. Seems a decidedly foolish gamble to take -- unless one had no other more prudent option.

Here is the SEC Form 4 he just filed.

He's the CEO. And he couldn't think of a better way to raise cash -- a measly $120,000 worth?

I'll have a more relevant image, and More commentary -- shortly:

UPDATED: Mattersight stock is off about 5.4 percent this morning on the NASDAQ -- the first trading session after disclosure of CEO Conway's end of quarter open market sale. Eight sessions left in the quarter. Sheesh.

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