Monday, May 7, 2012

My (Educated?) Guesses -- For Q1 2012 Revenue, Net Operating Losses and LPS (Est.)

UPDATED | 05.07.12 Noon: It seems that some browsers, and some versions of Excel, cannot download the .xls file I originally provided below. So, I've converted the file to a .pdf -- certainly most will be able to see that. Unfortunately, unless you download the .xls file, you won't be able to tweak the imbedded assumptions -- to see how they affect loss per share -- under various scenarios. In any event, here is the .pdf file.

Okay, let's make some fun of this -- I've attached my model, as an Excel file. [To be clear, I have no inside information whatsoever; I've simply made some guesses -- based off of Mattersight's last financial reports.]

Feel free to download it, modify it -- and submit your guesses -- in the comments. Let's see who can get closest to the actual numbers.

Me? I expect Losses Per Share From Continuing Operations to come in at around $0.21 for the quarter.

I expect revenue from continuing operations to come in around $8.3 million for the quarter.

Finally, my guess at the up-ramp in expenses will be around 18 percent, over the prior year period, on continuing operations.

So, I expect that Mattersight's net loss from continuing operations -- on a GAAP basis, for the quarter -- will be around $3.03 million.

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