Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Executive VP Of Client Management Sold Stock Into Open Market, On June 8, 2012

They say timing is everything, when one sells a long-held common stock position. This is doubtlessly doubly true when a company insider and executive officer, to boot, sells stock in his or her own company, on the open market. So, listen up!

Mattersight takes great pains (including offering one-sided FAQ answers, on the topic) to make it seem as though its executive team almost never sells stock into the open market. Yesterday, on the other hand it reported an executive officer's series of open market stock sales which occured last week (the reporting is all as required by law). Feel free to take a look, but it was very near the recent highs for Mattersight, post the "GAAP errors disclosures".

Be very careful out there in the next few days.

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