Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Yet Another "Shiny Object" Press Release -- On a Lazy June Afternoon

An organization called PCI provides, for a fee, certification that a given vendor's data handling -- for payment information, among other things -- is up to snuff, from a security standpoint.

For the last three years, apparently, Mattersight has met those standards. That's good -- insofar as it goes. It is surprising to me that a public company would take the time to press release such an event -- unless, of course, it had no new customer signings, or other revenue-producing events to discuss.

That must be what is going on here (MATR presser link):
. . ."We continue to invest in policies, procedures, and controls necessary to ensure the safekeeping of our clients' data. Achieving PCI-DSS Level 1 Certification demonstrates Mattersight's commitment to providing our clients with the highest standards for data security and privacy," said Kelly Conway, Mattersight's President and CEO. . . .

I should also note that Mattersight rose almost a buck on Monday -- on large volumes -- only to fall back yesterday afternoon. My guess is that a series of pre-arranged trades were pushed through, in blocks, by the S-3 selling stockholders -- placing some of their shares with other institutional holders, on Monday. Be careful out thre.

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