Monday, April 30, 2012

Of Interesting -- And Specific -- Site Visitor-Paths...

So, as is often the case with blogs like this (i.e., ones that critique political or business leadership) -- what is posted is rendered perhaps a little-less important -- if certain insiders do not actually see, read and reflect upon it.

That is no problem -- these days. Why? Well, first off -- we know for a fact that the General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Mattersight herself had our site shut-down for several days about a week ago (back story on that, here), using a plainly-specious Digital Millennium Copyright Act extra-judicial "take-down notice" which made an unsupportable copyright infringement claim.

In addition, See the image at bottom -- click it to enlarge. Clearly, Mattersight HQ is monitoring the stories written here:

I'll never disclose the identities of specific persons (except Carsen, Noon and Conway) from inside Mattersight who visit -- of course. But I do think it relevant to note that many computers resident inside Mattersight's internal firewall visit -- and visit regularly, here.

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