Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sanity Makes A Come-Back. . .

This site has been restored due to the diligent and thoughtful analysis of the staff at So, now the blogspot address will return to backup status.

I am very grateful -- both and run fine operations -- fair, level headed and balanced. And still protective of free expression about matters of public concern. [The image at right is a lil' shout-out to the GC, as well to the CEO -- of Mattersight. Of course any copyright on the original image remains the property of Mattersight. Fair use for the purpose of identification, and protected parody are both claimed here. So, be careful out there!]

Reprinted below is the nice note I received this morning. Thanks, Anthony!
April 25, 2012 9:58 AM


Please note that, upon further review (apologies for the delay), the image file in question has been restored. The initial notice should have been denied by a staff member (the file in question was identified in a follow-up email sent after the notice was received). Should the complainant wish to report any further instances of copyright infringement, they will need to restart the process. Our apologies for the trouble.

Thank you.

-- Anthony

Indeed -- sanity makes a comeback!

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