Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mattersight Admits Its Business Model Isn't Scalable -- Without Additional Significant Hardware Investments

Mattersight's CIO, Jeff Geltz recently acted as the overseer of an apparently very large hardware migration -- from disk-based storage -- to flash drive (solid state) storage arrays. See the press release from Pure Storage, the chosen vendor -- from yesterday afternoon. [Pure Storage is a great company -- here's their website, BTW. All IP is -- and remains -- the property of its owner. It appears here for clear identification, and commentary, only.]

The press release makes two things clear: (1) the analytics are not provided in anything near real-time (but those of us who understand computing knew that already), and (2) Mattersight's business model in analytics may be very capital intensive (again, something we suspected, given the extremely massive amounts of data voice conversations generate) -- as the company adds flash storage arrays to scale the business.

What was surprising -- to me, at least -- was how open the CIO was about all of this (from the end of the press release):

. . . .Mattersight CIO Jeff Geltz said, "The Mattersight Business Monitoring Engine is an I/O hungry application, and it was clear that traditional disk-based storage just wouldn't allow us to scale our business. . . ."


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