Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mr. Conway "Tones Down" His "Over-The-Top Puffery" -- On Phone Fraudster Analytics Tool

Do see below, but just before the 4th, Mattersight, and Mr. Conway, put out a press release, again touting the virtues of his phone fraud analytics tool. However, it has been significantly revised -- when compared to the June 12, 2012 version -- and much of the over-the-top, wild-eyed puffery is now gone.

I can't help but think he and his marketing team (and the lawyers!) are regular readers of this blog. [My stat-packages confirm that many hundreds of visits here orginate from devices connected inside Mattersight's intranet and extranet.] So -- it seems we are having an effect -- see our original piece -- at mid-June 2012.

In any event, gone is the claim that his tool "solves" the phone fraud problem -- now replaced by the far-more-supportable claim that it "counteracts" the fraudsters "tactics". If one of his key engagement clients (each of which pay him millions, year over year -- for his product offerings) were to suffer a massive loss due to fraudsters breaching the private credit card or health records data of millions of customers, and Mr. Conway had continued to claim that his tool "solved" the problem of fraudulent access -- I'd have some difficulty defending a claim for breach of impled warranty -- and fitness for the intended purpose, here. [But -- then again -- maybe I'm just not as skilled a lawyer as those Mr. Conway employs -- at Chicago's Winston & Strawn. They too visit here often.]

Actually, it is more than even money that the revision was purposeful -- so do take a look below.

This is a comparison of the old June 12, 2012 press release language -- against new -- line by line:

". . . .Sophisticated fraudsters and fraud rings are able to gather enough customer information from publicly available sources to exploit the authentication procedures in call centers and gain access to customer accounts. The complexity of capturing and analyzing call center interactions to identify fraudsters has heretofore made it nearly impossible for companies to measure the frequency of these types of attacks, let alone proactively identify this activity and take preventive action.

Mattersight's Fraud Analytics solution solves these problemscounteracts these tactics by capturing customer interactions and automatically analyzingidentifying fraudsters conducting fraudulent activity through the contact center by leveraging predictive analytics to score the percentage likelihood each caller is a fraudster. The result is a significant reduction in voice-facilitated fraud losses and the enhanced ability to identify and stop fraud before it occurs.

Mattersight's Fraud Analytics solution captures customer interactions and automatically analyzes every second of every captured interaction in the cloud, using millions of proprietary algorithms and unique behavioral models. The output of this analysis is hundreds of contextually accurate data attributes on every captured interaction. . . ."

Well -- it is baby-stepping the problem -- but it is baby-stepping in the right general direction.

Be careful out there.

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