Friday, July 27, 2012

Mr. Conway Will Report Q2 2012 Results (Showing Another Quarter Of GAAP Losses Per Share) On August 5, 2012 5 PM EDT

Perhaps mercifully (albeit unintentionally), I am now scheduled to be aboard a ship -- somewhere in the Atlantic, when the call happens (i.e., it is highly unlikely I'll have access to internet to live-blog it). So, all of you here assembled will have to sort through his manifold smoke-screens, for yourselves. Here's a link through to his call details, for your easy reference.

Count on the following, though -- there will be GAAP losses per share from continuing operations, given that Mr. Conway has indicated he expects flat to down sales revenue for Q2 2012. Count also on this prediction: you will have to dig down, to very near the end of his attached slides, in all lkelihood, in order to find the first mention of the negative GAAP results. [13-plus years worth, now!]

Count also on Mr. Conway to tout his "unusual" notion of what he calls "backlog". [See Mattersight's FAQ No. 7.] Most companies use the term "backlog" to refer to firmly-committed contractual work already in process under non-cancellable contracts, which -- but for plant capacity (for example), would be completed in the present quarter, and pulled into current sales revenue. In Mr. Conway's case, it seems clear that he includes in his "backlog" contracts for services he hasn't yet performed -- AND, in almost all of those contracts, the services may be cancelled on 90 days (or shorter) notice (in most cases with or without cause). Thus, in my humble opinion, his backlog is nowhere near as "firm" as, say Boeing's -- which is sitting on firm orders for modified 767s from various parties, that it just hasn't the capacity to build, yet.

So, yes -- look for that, whilst I am sailing the high seas. I'll likely comment on his Q2 2012 results around the 15th of Augist, if the Universe is willing, and the prevailing winds are high.

Do be very careful out there.

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